Jan 302011

For those of us who care (uhum…. not Ron) the RAGBRAI route was announced last night. Here is how it turned out:


If you didn’t know, Glenwood is my hometown. It should be a fun ride and I”m already looking forward to it.

Who is joining me this year? Ron maybe?

Jan 182011

It’s funny how our brains work.  I hear that Geo Revengeance has dropped his crank, and this is immediately where my mind goes.  Go figure….


I guess at least he’s not a sensitive artist.


Jan 082011

I don’t know why, but for some reason I convinced myself there is always something bigger and better.  Because of this I have created a new getrevengeance.com for our pleasure.

What more does this give us?  Not much really.  I guess I can do blog posts now.  I guess the site looks a little cleaner and professional.  I guess I can now post cool videos like this.


I guess that’s it.  I’m in it for the time waste.  The supreme time waste.

I hope you enjoy wasting time reading my dribble as much as I enjoy posting it.